It also included a much larger tax hike on the 50,000-200,000 brackets, it is calculated by the Senate’s own taxation committee, the average American will soon be paying approximately $4T extra (about $10-15k/person more, meaning a family of 4 will have to pay close to $6k more per year in taxes) which will go fully into effect by the time Biden gets out of office.included a minimum tax rate of 15% for big corporations
Things such as capital gains taxes (which is basically a tax on your pension funds), making death a taxable event, any income is now fully taxed (so if you sell something on eBay or collect rent, there are no longer any deductions) and deductions such as business losses are permanently limited, excise taxes of 1900% on drug sales. Those are all taxes that INDIVIDUALS will pay, especially at the lower end, besides the taxes that businesses now will have to pass through resulting in massive inflation and unemployment.